The bone has mended, but it still hurts. Many people still suffer from painful limited movement in spite of lengthy physiotherapy treatment. Why? The X-rays look good, the bone has knitted together well…
To find the answer, you have to be aware of what actually happens in such an accident.
One example:
a person stumbles – falls forward – tries to break the fall using their hands – and breaks a bone in the lower arm in the process. The X-rays show: fracture of the distal radius. The question is: is the bone the only thing that was injured?
What about the muscles and fascia which tried to prevent the stumble, to keep the balance, to break the fall, to cushion the blow? And all in a flash! And nevertheless the weight of the body and the momentum were too strong. The lightning reactions which are needed are simply too much to expect of the muscles/fascia. And for most people, the myofascial system is not exactly in an ideal condition. On the contrary: lack of movement, one-sided activities, stereotypical posture means that many muscles are too weak and too short. Accidents such as these can lead to massive muscle and fascia strain which does not show on an X-ray. Untreated, their function (extending) remains impaired, with the result that certain movements are associated with pain. With functional muscle therapy (fmt) such muscle and fascia strain can be treated and full function restored to the affected muscles. Movement is then also painfree once more.