Shoulder pain often develops gradually and without any recognisable reason. It can appear in several different forms: shoulder pain when resting, shoulder pain during movements of the arm and shoulder pain at the end of an arm movement, e.g. raising the arm.
Sometimes X-rays show signs of calcium deposits which are operated on in some cases. Such an operation is naturally the last choice of options. These other options should first be eliminated, as the calcium deposits are not an inevitable cause of the pain. In most cases nothing can be identified in the shoulder joint itself as a cause. What is the reason for the pain then, when there is no apparent cause such as an accident or exceptional strain on the shoulder? Often the cause of the pain does not lie in the region of the shoulder. Over the course of our lives, our myofascial system has to cope with a lot: one-sided loads, heavy work, sports injuries, falls or even accidents leave their traces in the myofascial system in the form of tension. The body is able to compensate for this for many years, but at some point it becomes too much: pain occurs. For example, adhesions in the myofascial tissue of the foot can compromise the shoulder. Tension in the pelvic floor can influence the shoulder. The cause of the pain varies from person to person. Therefore the fmt therapist carries out a precise examination to establish which movement is most painful and in which position of the body this movement causes particular pain. Additional tests can bring to light the cause of the pain.