Many people suffer from pains in the knees – both young and old. Climbing stairs or walking downhill becomes torture. Long car journeys end with knee pain, not to mention "going down on your knees" when working in the garden. Arthrosis or meniscus damage is usually thought to be the cause. There are also cases in which no alteration in the joints can be found which would explain the pains.
However, in my view, the causes are seldom to be found in the knee joint itself. It is more the case that the knee has to suffer for the muscular dysfunction of the trunk, pelvic and hip muscles. That means that strongly tensed individual muscles in this region obstruct the free movement of the spine and hip joints. Many of these muscles have a direct or indirect connection to the upper hip bone, the end of which is, of course, one half of the knee joint. So the knee is constantly subjected to unnatural and incorrect strain.
The myofacial system is not constructed in such a way that pain always shows itself in the same place as the cause – the tense muscle or fascia – but often in a position far away. Therefore precise examination of the entire apparatus of movement is needed to be able to give effective treatment.