People with carpal tunnel syndrome suffer from dead fingertips, pain and weakness when moving or putting load on the wrist and the sensation of hands falling asleep at night.
A neurologist makes a diagnosis by measuring the speed of the conductivity of the nerves of the hand. This is often considerably reduced. The cause is often seen to be the compression of the nerves in the region of the wrist. However, there is another, quite different reason for these complaints: a functional disturbance of individual muscles. Pressure is reduced on the nerve by means of an operation on the wrist. However, the symptoms can recur after a while, therefore the question of the cause of this restriction of the nerve tunnel must be raised.
Functional Muscle Therapy (fmt) sees the causes for these symptoms to be in a functional disturbance of the myofascial muscles. The undisturbed functioning of the hand depends not only on the healthy condition of the arm, shoulder and muscles of the cervical vertebral column, but also on the function of the trunk muscles on the sides, which connect the pelvis and the chest. Strongly tensed individual groups of muscle fibres or fascia in this region can handicap the movement of the chest. The chest is, in turn, connected through muscles with the cervical vertebral column and shoulders. These tense muscle chains influence the speed of the conductivity of the nerves and may trigger pain in the fingers, wrists and elbows.
So, before submitting yourself to the scalpel, you should first investigate whether the causes may be muscular or fascial.
A neurologist makes a diagnosis by measuring the speed of the conductivity of the nerves of the hand. This is often considerably reduced. The cause is often seen to be the compression of the nerves in the region of the wrist. However, there is another, quite different reason for these complaints: a functional disturbance of individual muscles. Pressure is reduced on the nerve by means of an operation on the wrist. However, the symptoms can recur after a while, therefore the question of the cause of this restriction of the nerve tunnel must be raised.
Functional Muscle Therapy (fmt) sees the causes for these symptoms to be in a functional disturbance of the myofascial muscles. The undisturbed functioning of the hand depends not only on the healthy condition of the arm, shoulder and muscles of the cervical vertebral column, but also on the function of the trunk muscles on the sides, which connect the pelvis and the chest. Strongly tensed individual groups of muscle fibres or fascia in this region can handicap the movement of the chest. The chest is, in turn, connected through muscles with the cervical vertebral column and shoulders. These tense muscle chains influence the speed of the conductivity of the nerves and may trigger pain in the fingers, wrists and elbows.
So, before submitting yourself to the scalpel, you should first investigate whether the causes may be muscular or fascial.